Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween in Hong Kong

Who knew Hong Kong knew how to do Halloween better than Americans?! Some of the best costumes I've ever seen in my life! We headed to Lan Kwai Fong, which is a section in Central district that is basically a few square blocks of bars, clubs and lounges. I felt like I was on spring break. They barricade the street on normal nights and everyone just parties in the streets. For Halloween they upped the security and had elaborate pedestrian walkways up and down the streets. A walk that would normally take us 5-10 minutes took us an hour! Hundreds and hundreds of people everywhere! The walk was just as entertaining as when we finally arrived in LKF. Good thing I had a roadie with me :)

The most hilarious thing about the night was that most of the young locals in HK don't even seem to drink or party that much. They just LOVE to dress up for Halloween and take TONS of pictures. While all us expats and tourists spent our time boozing and dancing, the ones in costume just walked up and down the street taking pictures with other people in costumes. The great thing is that they stay completely in character. They don't smile in pictures, they held daggers to your head or pretended to choke you. It was awesome. A couple of girls even asked to take a picture with my colleague, Elaine, simply because I think she is American. She wasn't even in costume!

Check out spongebob - that's made completely out of balloons!!!

Overall a really, really fun and entertaining night. I think we left at 5am and that might have even been tame for Hong Kong!

1 comment:

  1. AWWW you look like you're having so much fun!!! Lucky!! :) I love the sponge bob too btw! hehe
