Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Health and Germ Clarification

Just wanted to take a moment and let everyone know that H1N1 is not as huge a concern in Hong Kong as it is in the US. They don't even have the vaccine here yet. However, I think after the whole SARS thing they will have H1N1 spread under control. Just to clarify, there aren't millions of people walking around with masks on, only the ones that are actually sick (any kind of sick) will wear the mask. So, yes, I do see a few people every day with these masks on. Most food service people wear them as well, kind of like how US food service employees wear gloves and hair nets. Another neat thing, all of the elevators and escalators are disinfected regularly. Elevators have little signs near the buttons that say how often they are disinfected (as often as hourly). Still, I have hand sanitizer with me at all times and use it often. There are 7 million people in this city! Can't be too careful...

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