Thursday, November 5, 2009

Press to Exit

A little random thing I want to share that I still can't get used to. In a lot of the buildings, like offices and apartment buildings, you have to press a button then turn the door handle to exit a door. This door just leads to a hallway in my office building, but I am constantly forgetting to do this! I walk toward the door, look at the button, read the words, "Press to Exit" and I still open the door without doing it!


  1. Really that's super common in the UK too, I have to press a button to exit almost every door in my office. Never really thought it was wierd ... until now! D-J

  2. Jen,

    We do this in Boston too, at least at Fidelity......all the doors are press to exit, I walked into a lot of doors on my first year...never seen it anywhere else but Fidelity buildings though

    - Nick
